1when did you get up?
2when did you go to school?
3what was your first lesson?
4what did you do at school?
5when did the lessons finish?
6when did you come home?
7when did you do your homework?
a1.people came to look at the dinosaurs-люди приехали посмотреть на динозавров.
c2.Masha is friends with Andrew and dinosaurs are happy for them- маша дружыт з Андреем а динозавры смотрят на них и радуютса.
d3.dinosaurs don't like ufo- динозавры не любят нло.
b4. people talk about dinosaurs and they don't like people-люди обсуждают динозавров а динозаврам не нравятса люди.
Прости што такие приметивные предложения.
Вы дважды написали 5.3. ВЫ имели ввиду 5.2? Я могу его доделать.
<span>My classmate's name Bob (например). He is very kind and clever boy. I like to talk witn him about school and our subjects.
I have know him for 3 (например) years. He is realy very good boy.</span>He is not very tall. He has dark hair and blue yeses. I think he is pretty.<span>I hope we will be friends for a long time. </span>
4.2 have toured,,,,never came
3.has worked....opened
4.has star..... have made
5.have won ....beaten