Superman is a superhero, who fights for the Good and the peace in the world.
<span>This character was created by Jerry Siegel, the famous writer and creator of the comic books, and artist Joe Shuster, a specialist in the field of comic books too. Superman has superhuman strength, speed, endurance, as well as a number of other super-powers such as flight, heat vision, ice breath, and others. He is invulnerable and immortal. His allies are Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and others.</span>
Came under Caesar in 55 BC BC g / 407 left in the invading army of William in England began in 1066 (Battle of Hastings) Shortly after William the Conqueror became king, he built a fortress to protect London from the Thames Estuary .
<span>The most famous Fire of London - a fire in 1666, the so-called "Great Fire". Absurd began with coal fallen out of the oven London baker John Farinora and lasted for 4 days</span>
1. Who get a lot of homework every day?
2. How much homework do pupils get every day?
3. What do pupils get every day?
4. How often do pupils get a lot of homework?
Why she had to go i don't know.
She wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now i long far yesterday
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