<span>Teacher's Day is a holiday for our teachers. On this day we give flowers to our teachers and congratulate them. Teacher is a very important and complex profession. We thank the teachers for their work. Usually on this day high school students give teachers a break and conduct lessons for them
</span>День учителя - это праздник наших учителей. В этот день мы дарим нашим педагогам цветы и поздравляем их. Учитель это очень важная и сложная профессия. Мы благодарим учителей за их труд. Обычно в этот день старшеклассники дают учителям отдохнуть и проводят уроки за них
Опасная работа журналистов.
Журналистика- работа не из простых. Мало кто догадывается насколько тяжела и опасна эта работа. В целях журналиста стоит познание информации любым путем и в любых целях. Большинство журналистов отправляют в различные страны. Иногда во время расприй,бунтов и войн в такой стране, журналисту приходится не легко. И никто не дает гарантии что человек останется цел и невредим.
Работа журналиста хоть и интересна, но имеет в себе опасность. Цените эту профессию, ведь читая газеты, и смотря новости мы и не подозреваем каким путем журналисту удалось выяснить ту или иную информацию.
The Browns tried to visit his sister, general Green tired to get up early, Liz tired to see the new film
1. What are your nephew doing?- He is working in the garden
2. He found this picture when I was searching some old book.
3. I haven't talked to him about it yet. I haven't seen him since morning.
4. At this time he always has exersices and his relatives try not to bother him.
5. I wouldn't argue in your place.
6. He put the books on the table, turned off the light and went away.
7.I am sure that he will sign all documents.
8. If you were there, it wouldn;t happen.
9. When Anthony and Kate came into the hall, there had already been twenty people.
10.Don't call me tomorrow. I will be having exercises all day.
11.Harry has been trying to fix the fence for several hours so far.
12. Iten had been fixing the car for three hours when Mary called him for dinner.
13. Don't wake up him. He hasn't slept for two days.
14.If you don't learn more it'll be diffcult for you to pass all exams.
15. Peter was looking through newspapers, at the same, Ann was watching TV show/
16.He always looks like as if he is in hurry to somewhere.
17. It's pity that I didn't take part in this expedition; it's said it was very interesting.
18.You would feel better if you didn't go to bed so late/
19.If you had made all doctor's precepts, you would have been healthy long time ago and working together with us now.
20.You are so sunburnt as if you spent all summer in South
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