Флаг номер 4 принадлежит Великобритании . Его создал святой Андрей .Flag number 4 belongs to the UK. It was created by St. Andrew. Флаг номер 3 принадлежит Ирландии. Его создал Томас Френсис Мегер .Flag number 3 belongs to Ireland. It was created by Thomas Francis Meger. Флаг номер 1 принадлежит Уэльсу . Его создало Королевство .Flag number 1 belongs to Wales. It was created by the Kingdom. Флаг номер 2 принадлежит Шотландии . Его создал святой Андрей .Flag number 2 belongs to Scotland. It was created by St. Andrew. Флаг номер 5 принадлежит Англии . Его создал святой Георгий .Flag number 5 belongs to England. It was created by St. George.
Объяснение: Я думаю ты поймёшь . Я тебе тут и перевод написал . В каждом начале написано флаг какого номера .
A Kid standing on the roof of a house, outof harm's way, saw a Wolf passing by andimmediately began to taunt and revilehim.
The Wolf, looking up, said, "Sirrah!
Ihear thee: yet it is not thou who mockestme, but the roof on which thou artstanding."
Подумайте. Читает Кэти, Джон и Питер.Ответьте на вопрос
1.We didn't go out because my friend was sick.
2.I was unable to watch the film due to the fact that the lights were turned off.
3.I got sick because it was so cold.
4.She wrote did well on the exam because I was practicing all night
5.The road was closed due to the fact that there was an accident
6.She bought a new phone due to the fact that she broke the old one
7.They didn't go camping because there was a hurricane
8.They have repairs due to the fact that there was an earthquake .