Выберите правильные формы, чтобы завершить предложения.1)моя младшая сестра
Задайте вопрос из школьного предмета
Complete the sentences. 1. I am afraid he has already missed his chance. 2. Our students will take part in the competition the day after tomorrow . 3.Yesterday the boys lost the game . 4. Where is Steve - He is in his room. He is sleeping . 5. He always helps his niece with her homework . 6. Next time you will win the prize . 7. Martin never takes part in competitions. He hates competitions . 8. I have forgotten Jill's telephone number, so I cannot call her .
1. Where does my father often buy food ?
<span>2. Where will I go next summer?
</span><span>3. When did we go to my friends place ?
</span><span>4. Whom did the man find in the park?
</span><span>5. What has he already done ?</span>
<span>6. Whom<span> is the man taking to the cinema ?
Where is Tom taking the children?
</span></span><span>7. What did Sakharov win in 1975?</span>
When did Sakharov win the Nobel Peace Prize ?
<span>8. What does my little brother hate ?</span>
<span>9. When will he send postcards?</span>
<span>10. Whome have I already visited ?</span>
<span><span>11. What are we</span> going to visit ?</span>
<span><span>12. What did m</span><span>y parents buy ?</span></span>
<span>These men, those matches, these
tea-cups, these eggs, those walls, those pictures, these feet, those mountains,
these ladies, those windows, these knives.</span>
На данный вопрос сложно ответить, так как все животные хороши, но есть животные которые приносят пользу, а некоторые-вред. У себя дома я хотел бы иметь кошку либо же собаку, а не хотел бы Джунгарского хомячка- он не приносят вред, они просто очень хрупкие.