Где образец?Что за письмо?
В минувшие выходные я пропустил свой автобус до Зеленограда. Следующий автобус к моему месту был только в пять часов, и я посоветовал взять такси, чтобы добраться туда
<span>В Великобритании праздник Пасхи считается одним из самых важных церковных праздников в году. В этот день на рассвете в церквях проводят религиозные службы. Англичане стараются одеть новую одежду, которая символизирует собой наступление весны. В Пасхальный понедельник жители туманного Альбиона дарят детям на улицах игрушки и конфеты. В католических храмах проводятся концерты органной музыки. Также как и в нашей стране, англичане в этот день берут пасхальные корзины, которые наполнены яйцами, хлебом и другой едой, в храм и освящают. В это время английские школы закрываются на две недели. Пасхальным утром дети катают яйца с горы, которые символизируют камень, отвалившийся от Гроба Господня.
In the UK Easter is one of the most important religious holidays of the year. On this day at dawn in churches hold religious services. The British tried to wear new clothes, which symbolizes the onset of spring. On Easter Monday the people of Albion give children on the streets of toys and candy. In Catholic churches, concerts of organ music. As in our country, the British on this day, take Easter baskets filled with eggs, bread and other food to the temple and sanctify. At this time English schools are closed for two weeks. On Easter morning the children rolled eggs with mountains, which symbolize the stone taken away from the Sepulchre.
A: Hello. B: Hi. A: Who you to be after school? B: I want to be a law student. A: Tell me, why? B: Because a have a dream to be a lawyer in future. A: Ooh, very nice. You must to work hard at the lessons, you know? B: Yes I know, but I have a lot of interesting books about it, I want to be one of the best and I must to have a practice. A: I think you have a lot of friends, are glad to do smth for them? B: Yes of course . I am tired, every day, but I must work hard, it's important to be a good lawyer.
1. I want that you knew more about p<span>olitics</span> . 2. Nobody expected that Queen Victoria will govern so long. 3. I would like that you earned to yourself a living. 4. The poor woman didn't want that they became thieves. 5. Nobody expected that he will participate in an official ceremony. 6. I would like that she owned this farm. 7. Queen Elizabeth the first didn't want that Maria Stewart govern the England. 8. He advised to tell these words. 9. Teachers always want that teenagers studied well. 10. I ask you not to shout.