1. Who gave you the right to brake my house without permission?
2. Did you remember when the First World War was broken .
3. This television is broken, but wecan watch the film next door.
4. I don't think it will be easy for John to break the habit of smoking.
5. Tom always broke laughing when he came to this place of the book.
6. People won't soon forget the night when the terrible storm had broken.
7. I'm not surprised that poor Mary has broken her control.
8. The bad news is that our talks are broken.
Расставь буквы в праильномт порядке. и напиши слова. i, e, f, d, l, -, r, a, o, d, -, r, v, i, r, e, -, r, b, i, g, d, e, -, r,
1. flied 2. road 3. river, 4 bridge 5. Garden 6. Horse
Long ago on the earth there was a kingdom where there were monkeys they were to themselves tsars they very much loved bananas, but also there were also angry crocodiles who didn't give to monkeys there are bananas and gnawed palm trees. Monkeys started revolt and decided to expel crocodiles from a kingdom but crocodiles overcame monkeys and in terrible fight there was one palm tree and bananas.
Тупо конечно но прикольно вот перевод если что:
Давно на земле было царство где были обезьяны они были сами себе царями они очень любили бананы, но также там были и злые крокодилы которые не давали обезьянам есть бананы и грызли пальмы. Обезьяны затеяли бунт и решили изгнать крокодилов из царства но крокодилы одолели обезьян и в страшной битве осталась одна пальма и бананы.
7-30 - Rise
8-30 - Classes at the school
14-00 lunch
14-30 - 17-00 - Relax, walk
17-30-18-00 - Dinner
18-00 - Lessons for Tomorrow
20-00 - Personal time
21-30 - Preparing to sleep
22-00 - Taps
1. They were offered a very good book by the librarian.