Was hurt страдательный залог (Passive Voice). Подчеркивается действие , выполненное кем-то над главным лицом-подлежащим (меня обидели/ранили)
got hurt - действительный залог (Active Voice). Действие выполнено самим лицом, глагол возвратный (-ся). Я обиделся/поранился.
Robin Hood is the kindest person of his time. He helped to people who needed. He was honest. poor people loved him, but he wasn't loved by rich men
<span>cloudy - cloudier
- the cloudiest<span>
snowy</span> – snowier – the snowiest<span>
bright - brighter – the brightest
warm – warmer – the warmest
windy – windier – the windiest
good – better – the best
hot – hotter – the hottest
wet – wetter – the wettest</span></span>
Healthy food is of course better then unhealthy one. Unhealthy food lead to overeating and as a result we have lots of fat people with the diseases of internal organs.