1 Sherlock Holmes didn't smoke a pipe
Did Sherlock Holmes smoke a pipe?
2 Hercule Poirot didn't catch a lot of criminals.
Did Hercue Poirot catch a lot of criminals
Pictures are painted by pupils.
Are there many people there?
Is there any cinema in the place where you live ?
Was there any bus stop in your street last year?
Were there many cars in the street?
1. What time the pupils came home from school? The pupils came home from school at 2 o'clock or 3?
2. How many lessons they had last friday? They had seven or five lessons last friday?
3. Whom my classmate brought to school? My classmate brought a white kitten or black puppy to school?
4. Who played with cats? The girl or little monkey played with cats?
5. When we listened to pop music? We listened to pop music today or tomorrow?
6. How my friends danced at the disco? My friends danced well or badly at the disco?