1) <span> Pollution was not such a serious problem before, bacause people used to live in uncrowded rural areas and didn't have as many machines, as they have now.
2) People have bacome alarmed </span>with the danger of pollution since the late 1960′s.
3) Environmental pollution can cause extinction of different plants- and animal species, illness, and even death.
4) <span> Pollution is a very complicated problem because all the things that contribute to pollution are a necessary part of the modern world. The today's mankind can't simply imagine living without cars and factories. (However, this text must have been a way too old, most of the first-world countries are pretty much capable to deal with their ecological situation, that includes making energy of waste, etc.)
5) P</span><span>ollution can't be stopped immediately, because </span>people would have to stop using many useful things.
6) Government can pass the laws that would <span>conduce</span><span> to reducing of pollution. Individuals and groups of people can work together to persuade enterprises to stop polluting activities.
а теперь мои вопросы:
1) Если у Вас есть перевод, в чём проблема ответить на эти вопросы? Там же метод Ctrl+c, ctrl+v.
2) Если Вы хотите, чтобы на вопросы ответил кто-то другой, то зачем предоставлять перевод? Задача от этого не становится ни легче, ни сложнее.</span>
1. wittily
2. wholly
3. simply
4. hastily
5. actively
6. scientifically
7. necessarily
8. finally
9. directly
10. beautifully
11. heartily
12. energetically
13. drily
14. considerably
15. closely
Have you bought the present for Granny yet?
Present Perfect
За кадром:сейчас,в дом
Приходит Златовласка
И стучит три раза в дверь!
Златовсласка:никого нет дома.
Рассказчик:она говорит.....
Златовласка:какое счастье-
Я войду
И посмотрю!
Златовласка:Пальчики Оближешь!
Рассказчик:она говорит....
Златовласка: я тоже хочу кашу
ЮК,не эту - эта гадкая!
Златовласка: а вот эта-
Очень хорошая-
И каша
Это моя любимая еда!
Monday, Sunday,laught at,meet,comfortable,uniform,timetable,bookcase,late for, difficult,at the age of seven