<span>We have grown beautiful flowers in our garden.
B</span>eautiful flowers have been grown in our garden by us <span>
My kittn*s name is cookie monster he was born Februare 14, it is white and on the head and on the back he has a red heart he still not opened his yeas but he loves to drink milk with my mother, and his mother*s name Vasilisa is trehlistna cat. Cookie monster still doesn*t like to play but yeah hope you grow up to play . Here is my cookie monster.
У меня есть много игрушек. Но я люблю Бетси и плюшевого мишку. Бетси моя кукла. У Бетси зеленые глаза, розовый рот и маленький нос. Волосы моей куклы длинные и желтые. На Бетси надета зеленая рубашка, синие джинсы и зеленая шляпа. У меня есть синий кукольный дом для Бетси. У меня есть хороший плюшевый мишка. У него черные глаза и красный рот. Я люблю играть со своими игрушками.
<span><span>My Favourite FoodМое любимое блюдо</span><span>There is a good saying: “You are what you eat”. I think it means that we should be aware of what we are eating and choose healthy food only. There are so many products today with chemical additives and preservatives. My parents try to buy only natural products, which are nit genetically-modified. I can’t say I’m a picky eater but there are some dishes which I like and those which I don’t. For example, I can’t stand mushrooms or fish in food. Seafood is alright but boiled or fried fish is not for me. My favourite food is pasta. My parents sometimes tell me I should live in Italy, because I like all variations of this food, be it boiled, fried, with sauce or without, with bacon, with cheese, with vegetables, etc. My most favourite dish is Carbonara. It’s a pasta-based dish with white sauce, bacon and parmesan cheese. I can eat it three times a day and never get bored. It’s not difficult to cook. You just need half a kilo spaghetti, several slices of bacon, 1 onion, 1 garlic clove, some olive oil, 2 or 3 eggs, a pinch of salt and pepper, some grated Parmesan cheese and 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley. Spaghetti needs to be boiled in salted water, then drained well and tossed with a tablespoon of olive oil. For the sauce we need to cook chopped bacon on a large pan until it’s slightly crispy. Then we add chopped onion and minced garlic clove, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and cook it for a minute. Then we add beaten eggs into the pan, some cheese, salt and pepper and cook it constantly tossing. When the sauce is ready it’s added to spaghetti. The dish is sprinkled with chopped parsley and additional cheese. It is served immediately, while it’s hot. I have tried to cook Carbonara according to this recipe and it came out to be rather tasty.<span>Существует хорошее высказывание: "Ты то, что ты ешь". Я думаю, что это означает, что мы должны быть хорошо осведомлены, что мы едим и выбирать только здоровую пищу. Сегодня так много продуктов с химическими добавками и консервантами. Мои родители стараются покупать только натуральные продукты, которые не содержат ГМО. Не могу сказать, что я придирчивый едок, но есть некоторые блюда, которые мне нравятся и те, которые я совсем не люблю. Например, я не переношу грибы или рыбу в пище. Морепродукты нравятся, но вареная или жареная рыба не для меня. Моя любимая еда паста. Родители иногда говорят, что мне нужно жить в Италии, потому что мне нравится все вариации этого блюда, хоть вареные, жареные, с соусом или без, с беконом, с сыром, с овощами и т.д. Мое самое любимое блюдо – Карбонара. Это блюдо на основе пасты с белым соусом, беконом и сыром пармезан. Я могу есть его три раза в день, и оно мне никогда не надоедает. Его не трудно приготовить. Все, что нужно, так это полкило спагетти, несколько ломтиков бекона, 1 луковица, 1 зубчик чеснока, немного оливкового масла, 2 или 3 яйца, щепотка соли и перца, тертый сыр пармезан и 2 столовые ложки свежей нарезанной петрушки. Спагетти нужно вскипятить в подсоленной воде, затем процедить и добавить в него столовую ложку оливкового масла. Для соуса нужно поджарить нарезанный бекон на большой сковороде, до тех пор, пока он не станет слегка хрустящим. Затем мы добавляем нарезанный лук и измельченный зубчик чеснока, 1 столовую ложку оливкового масла, и готовим все это в течение минуты. Затем мы добавляем в сковороду взбитые яйца, немного сыра, соли и перца и готовим часто переворачивая. Когда соус готов, его добавляют к спагетти. Блюдо посыпают нарезанной зеленью петрушки и дополнительным сыром. Подавать нужно сразу, пока не остыло. Я пару раз пробовала готовить Карбонара в соответствии с этим рецептом, и получалось довольно вкусно</span></span></span>
Здесь описан весь парк,текст составляла сама.
The park of the 300 anniversary of St. Petersburg, as well as any other has the sights. Is ordinary, and there are also those which are allocated with magic properties: Happy monument. In the territory of the park there is a monument devoted to a certain Francisco da Mirande. He was a revolutionary and the fighter for freedom. It is unknown from where the belief has gone that he brings happiness to newly married. If to rub the left boot of a monument, family life will be quiet and happy. In St. Petersburg thousands of similar magic constructions, but Francisco, isn't so popular therefore there is an opinion that his magic is stronger, than at the others. Beacon. Actually it is a column from granite, but this fact doesn't belittle her beauty at all. Her tiers are a symbol of three centuries of the city. Later on him it is planned to immortalize names of people which have exerted impact on development of the city. ------- Attractions. Most important and big is a Piterland aquapark which is not only a park sight, but also city. By the way, perhaps it will be included in the book of records soon as the owner of the highest dome in the world – 45 meters. Here is both waterslides, and schools of surfing/diving and the wave pool and is a lot of other entertainments on water. -------- Beach. The park of the 300 anniversary of St. Petersburg stands on the bank of the Gulf of Finland therefore there is everything that is necessary: sea air, the sun (as far as whining St. Petersburg weather allows), the platform for volleyball, bicycle rental and сигвеев and a tremendous landscape. It is forbidden to bathe, however, as it is a way for courts, on water the fuel oil film, and water rather cold is constantly poured. --------- Holidays. Here constantly celebrate large dates in life of Russia and St. Petersburg. In a big way celebrate both the Victory Day, and Children's Day, and Maslenitsa, and other actions. Often various actions like start of heavenly small lamps and sports competitions take place. In the winter. In the coldest season in this park, as well as in many central parks of St. Petersburg, it is possible to go skiing on picturesque vicinities. For children there will also be a mass of opportunities to have fun - to drive on the sledge, to move down on a hill on an ice-boat or to play snowballs.
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