Первый столб +ing opening sleeping studying hurting relaxing visiting
второй столб e+ing riding leaving
третий столб Double consonat +ing stopping running putting swimming
-Hi, mom
-Hi, how are you today?
-I'm fine, thank you, and what about you?
-I'm fine too, thanks. Besides, <span>how were you doing in school today? Have you got any marks?
</span>-Everything is alright, I have got an excellent marks!
-Nice to hear it! So, go to the kitchen we'll have a dinner, <span>I cooked a wonderful spaghetti.
</span>-Oh, thats so cool!
<span>1. It will be done by
her next Saturday.
2. The carpet won’t be cleaned by Kate tomorrow.
3. The Harry Potter books are translated into many languages.
4. These pictures were taken by Barbara while traveling in Africa.</span>