Are you born in this country?
Are you born in the summer?
Are you a very quit child?
Are you afraid of the dark when you were a chilo?
Was your first teacher a man or a woman?
Was your parents childhood friends?
Was your grandfather born in another country?
Was your grandmother a good cook?
Используйте глаголы жирным шрифтом .Упражнение 5 .Задайте и ответьте на вопросы о Тони, Билл и Марк
I have a large plasma TV at home.
We love the evening the whole family gathers near the TV and watch movies.
У меня дома есть большой плазменный телевизор.
Мы любим вечером всей семьей собиратся возле телевизора и смотреть фильмы.)