There is a...(если первое подлежащее после оборота в форме ед.числа)
Examples: there is a table in my room;
there is a capboard near the door in my room.
There are...(если подлежащее во мн.числе)
Examples:there are three bookshelves above the table in my room;
there are some pictures and posts on the right wall of my room.
1ое предложение:
1) Do my friend like to read books about famous people?
2) What sort of books do my friend like to read?
3) My friend likes to read books about famous people or about animals?
4) My friend likes to read books about famous people, isn't he?
5) Who like to read books about famous people?
2ое предложение: Pupils wrore a dictation at the lesson yesterday.
1) Did pupils wrore a dictation at the lesson yesterday?
2) What did pupils do at the lesson yesterday?
3) <span>Pupils wrore a dictation or a test at the lesson yesterday?
4) </span>Pupils wrore a dictation at the lesson yesterday, didn't they?
5) Who wrore a dictation at the lesson yesterday?
3е предложение: I have been working at school for many years.
1) Have I been working at scool for many years?
2) What have i been doing for many years?
3) Have I been working or traveling for many years?
4) I <span>have been working at school for many years, haven't i?
5) Who have been working at scool for msny years?
Ня ^_^
c временем, например:
at - at 5 o'clock, at half past one, at night
in - in the morning, in 1998, in summer, in November
on - on Monday, on the 4th of September
предлоги места:
at - at the table (за столом), at the blackboard(у доски)
in - in Moscow, in the park, in the box в...
on- on the table, на...
есть ещё много случаев употребления. Эти - основные.
reseptionist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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