1)does Eddie drink water in the morning?
no she doesn't she drinks a cup of tea .
2)do Ben and Mike play football after school?
no they don't play football they play basketball.
3)Does Betty play the piano?
no she doesn't play piano she plays guitar.
Hello my friend! I want to give you a few tips on how to start learning English. To start you need to learn the alphabet, know pronunciation of letters and numbers. In learning the language will help you dictionaries and textbooks. Begin to learn the primary words. Learn phrases greeting and farewell. Learn to learn in English. After a few lessons you have already learned the basics.
He doesn't have tea for breakfast -
2. He doesn't read English text
3. She usually doesn't have dinner at two o`clock
4. She doesn't live in Pushkin Street
<span>5. She doesn't get fives in English</span>
1.Настоящее время:
а)Травка зеленеет, солнышко блестит, ласточка с весною в сени к нам летит.
б)Я рисую очень долго свою картину.
2.Будущее время:
а)Я вернусь, когда раскинет ветви по-весеннему наш белый сад.
б)Папа купит мне новую машину.
3.Прошедшее время:
а)Журавли летели быстро-быстро и кричали грустно, будто звали с собою.
б)Моя бабушка вчера пекла пироги с вишней.