3 вместо at - to
5 вместо go - ride
6 вместо ride - go
Хоть моя семья и вносит небольшой вклад в помощь природе, но это лучше чем ничего. С большой уверенностью могу сказать, что мы выбрасываем мусор только в мусорные баки и стараемся не загрязнять окружающую среду! Though my family and does little to help nature, but it's better than nothing. With great confidence I can say that we throw out garbage only in the trash cans and try not to pollute the environment!Отвечаю, за такое училка точно поставит 5+!
Vacation of my dream. On such a vacation, I would like to visit Japan. She is attracted to the fact that the culture of Japan is difficult to understand. The list of national features is reminiscent of the leadership of the paradox, but such is the heart of Japan and the people who inhabit it. Japan is warm, friendly and very easy to reach for each of you. The sights of Japan are rich in diversity and technology, go there and you will see more than you ever expected.
Каникулы моей мечты. На таких каникулах я хотела бы побывать в Японии.Она привлекает тем что культура Японии трудна для понимания. Список национальных особенностей напоминает собой руководство парадокса, но таково сердце Японии и людей, населяющих ее. Япония тепла, дружественна и очень легко достижима для каждого из Вас. Достопримечательности Японии богаты разнообразием и технологиями, поезжайте туда и Вы увидите больше, чем когда-либо могли ожидать.
"The Beatles" are an English rock band. It appeared in Liverpool in 1960.
4 guys, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison became stars. The first record of the Beatles is "Love Me Do". They created many real hits. The whole world has been loving them so far.
She helped me to draw the picture.
Who helped you to draw it? What did she help me to draw? What picture did she help me to draw? With what did she helped me? Why did she help me?
Spring comes every year.
Why does spring come? When does spring come? What does spring do every year? Who comes every year? Does spring come every year?