Решение смотри на фотографии
x=0 или x=3
Пусть во втором мешке было х кг, тогда в первом 3x кг
Когда из первого мешка взяли 4 кг, а во второй добавили 2 кг, то в мешках стало поровну, и можно составить уравнение:
x=3, значит, во втором мешке было 3 кг муки, а в первом - 9
ответ 3;9
<em>1. (a²+2ab+b²) - (a+b)²= (a+b)² - (a+b)²=</em><em>0</em>
<em>2. (xy * yx) + (yz * yx)=х²у²+у²хz.</em>
This summer I spent with my grandmother. We had fun, and not only rested well and worked, helped my beloved grandmother. We went to the river, there were a lot of people and I met a company of boys. We still communicate despite the distance. When I arrived home to my parents, I saw that my parents decided to surprise me by putting a huge pool that was the best summer of my life