music - it
существительное музыка неодушевленное, для него подходит местоимение it )
Nowadays we can't even imagine our lives without television. It's a very important invention. I think, that every persin has a tv in his or her house. We can watch many interesting tv programmes, news, concerts and so on.
But on the other hand, watching tv a lot is very bad for our eyesight. It might be warm and sunny outside, but a big amount of people prefer sitting at home and watching tv to the walk on the fresh air. People don't do any exercises, they only sit on their sofas and get overweight.
In conclusion, I want to say, that everything is good, if you know the limits.
Могут быть ошибки, так3 что проверь, я же не робот)
Легче учить сразу 2 формы они созвучны и их будет легче выучить
Ещё можно придумать ассоциациации к англ словам на русском
А) Yes, always. P.S. Ну, если непонятно, нужно спросить.