1.She has a blue eyes and black hair. She has very beautiful face. 2. Has he a sense of humour? 3. He has a lot of work. He has a hard work. 4. I have a rest twice a year. How often you have a rest? 5. Do you have a car? Yes, I have a new car. 6. It's time to have a bite. It's good idea. 7. The water is warm today. Let's swim. 8. It's cold. Let's drink hot tea. 9. Do you have a questions? No, we haven't. All clear. 10. He has a lot of friends. 11. Do you have a lot of relatives? 12. Whwre you have usually dinner? I have dinner at home. 13. He has an alibi. He really has an alibi? Yes, he is. 14. We always have fruits on the table. 15. She has a good reputation. 16. Do you have an e-mail? Yes, I have.
1. Science is an important branch of national economy.
Наука является важной отраслью национальной экономики
is - а) словарное (смысловое) значение – «быть чем-то (кем-то)»;
2. The power of the monarch (монарх) is limited by the constitution.
2. Власть монарха ограничена Конституцией.
is - б) вспомогательный глагол для: - образования Passive Voice ;
3. They are living here at the moment.
В настоящий момент они проживают здесь.
are - б) вспомогательный глагол для: - образования Continuous Tense;
4. A computer specialist was to help the company in finding the problem.
Специалист по компьютерам должен был помочь организации в обнаружении проблемы.
was (to) - в) модальное значение долженствования;
5. The practical role of a computer is to store huge (great) amounts of
Практическая роль компьютера состоит в том, чтобы сохранять огромное количество информации.
is - г) глагол-связка в именном составном сказуемом.
<span>У мамы есть красивые зеленые глаза. У папы нет очков, но у бабушки есть очки.У дедушки есть усы. У брата есть сильные руки. У сестры есть красивая прическа.
</span>My mom has beautiful green eyes. My dad doesn't have glasses, but my grandmother has glasses.My grandfather has a mustache. My brother has strong hands. My sister has beautiful hair.
National Gallery in London.
National Gallery in London was founded in 1824. That is a beautiful, big building on the Trafalgar squar. It had got more than 2000 works of art from western Europe painting. From 13 to 20 centuries. All the paintings are arranged in chronological order and I think it is very good idea.
It was open on the 9th of April 1839. And there was only 38 paintings.