1 Active volcanos erupt.
2 In a hurricane, winds blows at 80 mph.
3 The emergency services rescued
a woman trapped in the avalanche.
4 The rain poured down for days.
5 They told us to evacuate the school.
6 After the disaster, she survived
without food for two weeks.
7 The hurricane didn't damage the house.
С днем рождения Тайни ты красивая милая хорошая ты лучшая подруга на свете желаю счастья здоровья чтобы тебя все любили и уважали ещё раз с днем рождения!
1) Unfortunately, in some countries there are still shanty towns where poor people live in awful conditions. 2) When we came to the beach, it was so overcrowded that we couldn’t find a single place to lie down. 3) He was born in Kensington, West London, a smart residential area of large terraced houses. 4) It was very difficult for Jane to find a job without a fixed address as nobody wanted to take her on. 5) There are hundreds of families living in rough conditions on the floor of the airport lounge. 6) In the eyes of many people, Hamburg has become the boom town of Europe. 7) After returning from Paris, David didn’t have a place to go, so he had to spend several nights in a squat. 8) One of the reasons why you have problems in your relationships is your poor self-esteem. 9) When they were children they used to live in a cramped area of the town with high crime. 10) There are plans to make some streets of this neighbourhood pedestrianised so that children can play safely there.
Fifty five-55
sixty one 61
forty seven 47
ninety nine 99
thirty two 32
eighty three 83
seventy eight 78
<span>1. He plays chess very well.</span><span> Он очень хорошо играет в шахматы Present Simple
2. </span>Yesterday she prepared a nice dinner. Past Simple Вчера она приготовила вкусный обед
3. The day <span>after tomorrow we will visit the Shakespeare’s Birthplace. Future Simple. Послезавтра мы посетим место рождения Шекспира (город, в котором родился Шекспир).</span>