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FranceФранцияIf you want to see the Eiffel Tower and the Champs-Elysees, you should go to France. There are many countries in the world, but non like this one. It is not only the largest country in Europe, but also one of the most interesting places in the world. Its capital city Paris is considered to be the city of love. Millions of people would like to visit this romantic and charming city. Apart from Paris with its numerous landmarks, France is associated with magnificent manors – the so-called chateaux, its culinary wonders, style and fashion, legendary perfumes. Geographically, France is situated in Western Europe. It shares borders with many other European countries, among them Belgium, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, etc. It is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean and partially by the Mediterranean Sea. The country consists of more than twenty regions, including four overseas territories. The climate in France is temperate and it differs from region to region. The country has three major climate regions: oceanic, Mediterranean, and continental. According to political system, France is governed by the elected President along with the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. Thus, it’s a semi-presidential republic. The official motto there is “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”, which shows the presence of strong democratic traditions. France has a rich history and culture. Perhaps, it is the main reason why tourists are fond of this country. There were many prominent French mathematicians, philosophers and writers, among them Rene Descartes, Denis Diderot, Charles Perrault. In conclusion, I’d like to say that visiting France is a memorable experience, as there are many things to see and to do.
Письмо читателя.
Я уже не молод, но все еще помню счастливые субботние утра, проведенные в библиотеке, когда я был ребенком. В библиотеках я чувствовал себя веселым и умиротворенным. Библиотека была моим особым миром, в котором я любил все - запах книг, шепот читателей и библиотекарей, звук перелистывания страниц.
По мере того, как я рос, библиотеки становились для меня все более и более доступными рабочими местами, в школе и университете. Но были и другие времена, когда я ходил в библиотеку только потому, что мне было одиноко или я был в депрессии. Когда я был один в незнакомых городах, я не переставал искать местную библиотеку и получал удовольствие, проведя там один-два часа.
1) b - I have got
2) c - We have got
3) e - Sara has got
4) d - Kevin has got
5) a - Sveta and Julia have got
1. her
2. him
3. me
4. their
5. it
6. it
7. us
8. it
9. him
10. it
11. it,me
12. it, me
13. it, me
14 it
15. I, it
16. They
17. him
18. us
19. he, me
20. them
Правда сказать я не уверена насчет. 11. 12. 13
дай знать если неверно и как будет правильно