Где был пожар? In New Zeland.
Как много людей находилось в пунктах временного проживания из-за огня? I don`t know, I think 2000 or more.
Кто пропал под лавиной? bus with people.
Какие факторы затруднили спасательную операцию в Альпах?
Snow with rain and another factors.
- Did you see the film last night?
- Yes, i did. It was fantastic.
- Really? Didn't like it at all.
- What did you do yesterday?
- I went to the cinema. What about you?
- I played some computer games.
Nizhny Novgorod is a large city, the city millionik and such in our country, unfortunately not so much. Nizhny Novgorod is 442 kilometers from Moscow, with a population of nearly half a million people. The town is situated near the rivers Volga and Oka.The history of Nizhny Novgorod originated in 1221. The founder of the city is Vladimir-Suzdal Prince, the grandson of Yuri Dolgoruky George II. The city became an extreme point of North-Eastern Russia, built it as an Outpost to protect the Russian land from the Mordvins and Bulgars, had a Prime location. Volga and Oka made the city an important trading center. Hence Russia had trade links with the Volga Bulgaria.
На рисунке изображена моя квартира. В правом нижнем углу находится пианино. Я учусь в музыкальной школе и часто на нём занимаюсь. У нас есть кухня. Там мы все вместе кушаем. Мама готовит очень вкусно. А в центе квартиры комната - гостиная. Там мы собираемся каждый вечер и долго разговариваем о прошедшем дне.