People didn't use to carry a phone with them in the past.
But they used to listen to vinyl records.
People used to travel by boat.
They didn't used to have remote controls.
They also didn't used to play vidoe games
Мой класс внес свой вклад в Весеннюю неделю добра. Мои одноклассники приняли участие в благотворительном забеге. Мы хотим сделать наш город лучше. Мы сажаем деревья. Мы с друзьями поддерживаем бедных. Мы обеспечиваем их одеждой и едой. Мы волонтером в местном доме престарелых. Мы не получаем деньги за нашу работу. Мы помогли местному детскому саду. Мы убрали детскую площадку. Я люблю сажать деревья. Мне никогда не скучно с этим. Я занимаюсь разными благотворительными проектами. Мне нравится это.
1. When we arrived at the station, our train had already left.
2. When it arrived at the station, their train was just off.
My father said that he had been made redundant from his job.
My father said that he would be on the dole.
My father asked how they could live on the pittance that the government would give them.
My father said that the dog would have to go.
My father said that it cost thirty-five pence a day for dog food, he was a single-parent child whose father was on the dole.
My father said that Social Security would be buying his shoes.
1) famous
5) because