1. using - используя, having used - использовав
2. making - делающий, производящий, создающий, having made - сделав, создав, произведя
3. developing - развивающий, разрабатывающий, having developed - развив, разработав
4. forgetting - забывающий, забывая, having forgotten - забыв
5. burning - горящий, сгорающий, having burnt - сгоревший, догоревший, сгорев
6. transporting - перевозящий, перемещающий, переносящий, перенося, перемещая, перевозя, having transported - перевезя, перенеся, переместив
7. receiving - принимающий, получающий, получая, принимая, having received - получив, приняв
8. feeling - чувствительный, чувствуя, having felt - почувствовав
9. studying - изучающий, изучая, having studied - изучив
10. carrying - несущий, having carried - неся
11. going - идущий, едущий, having gone - уйдя
12. trying - пытающийся, пробующий, пробуя, having tried - попробовав, попытавшийся
13. thinking - думая, думающий, having thought - подумав
14. covering - покрывая, покрывающий, having covered - покрыв
15. speaking - говорящий, разговаривающий, having spoken - сказавший, сказав
<span>I often travel to spain where I live with my auntie and uncle. - Я часто езжу в Испанию, где я живу с моей тетушкой и дядей.
</span>I often travel to spain where I meet with my auntie and uncle. - Я часто езжу в Испанию, где я встречаюсь с моей тетушкой и дядей.
Замените слова местоимениями. Nick, Ann, a computer, a kitten, mother, sister, Tom and I, father, horses, friends, Sam and Pam,
Слезина [7]
He, she, it, she, she, she, we, he, he, he, they, we, he, he, he, it, he, she, she
1. Who are you making coffee for? - I am making coffee to(for) me.
-Coffee? - I am making coffee to(for) me. I like drinking coffee in the morning.
2. Is he taking a shower now? - Yes, he always takes a shower after work.
3. What is she doing now? - She is packing her suitcase. Tomorrow in the morning she is going to Londom.
4. Who is this car belonged to? - It is belong to my neighbor, he always leaves it near our office.
5. She is very nervous now. - Yes, she is. She is waiting for a call of her friend. - вкажіть сами, бо ви скоротили і тому незрозуміло від кого вона чекає виклику.
6. You always interrupt me. (Можна, як варіант You are always interrupting me, як що хочете вказите, що ПРЯМО завжди перебиваєш).
7. It seems to me, that our bussines is getting better.
8. Why don't you taste (можна try) sause? - Does it taste badly?
9. It seems, that you are in hurry. - Yeah, I have a driving lection in 15.
10. How many does the box weight? - I don't know. I am scaling it at the moment.
11. He is working too much now. - Hmm, I don't think so. He always find time to relax( or get a rest(relax)).
12. Why doesn't Bob drink juice? - He hates tomato juice.
13. Do you want to tell me something? - Yes, I find this party very cool. (або ж I like this party too much, проте раджу перший варіант, він кращий)
14. What do you mean? I don't (can't) understand you.
15. Hanna isn't very careful during these days.