Если Patty человек то no he/she can't, а если то существо которое умеет летать то yes it can
1. Arson is a type of crime when someone burns any property of a victim.
2. He was accused of committing this burglary.
3. Drug dealing is considered to be the most profitable business in the countries of South America.
4. He was punished for the joyriding of his father's car.
5. The guy was a mugger.
6. The cases of shoplifting are common in large shops and malls.
7. The robbery was investigated by an experienced detective.
8. The acts of vandalism are common in countries with unstable political conditions.
9. This murder has devastated peace in our small town.
10. The thief has been caught.
It was created by Gustave Eiffel. It was built in March, 1889. It was built from iron. Nowadays it is used for sending and receiving radio signals, collecting meteorological information, observing the view of Paris.
Parts - партс
the West End - зэ вэст энд
the East End - зэ ист энд
offices - офисэс
come - кам
richest - ричест
I am afraid that my laptop is being used by somebody else.
The lions aren't being fed at the moment.
Spanish is being spoken in this classroom.
The red light is on because a patient is being operated by doctors.
Books are being put by them on shelves.
Look, the ants are being killed by them.
Can you see that? A robber is being chased by the policemen.
I don't know why the trees aren't being cut today.
A test is being written by them n this lesson.
The hall isn't being decorated by them because Sam is ill.