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Each person has own dream. Someone thinks that dreams are unbelievable. My dream is visiting London. It is one of my favourite cities.London is one of the biggest and most popular cities in the world. It’s the capital of Great Britain. I want to go there since I started to learn English. The architecture of the city is wonderful, especially the Buckingham Palace – the house of the Queen. It’s also a great place for shopping with thousands of boutiques.It would be interesting to see the real English football match, though I’m not a big football fan. I hope that my dream will come true.
1)Are you going to the cinema tonight?
2)We are going to a festival now
3)Are they looking for a new car?
<span>1. There is much snow in winter.
</span>There was much snow last winter.
There will be much snow next winter.<span>
2. There are many books in our library.
</span>There were many books in our library last year.
There will be many books in our library next year. <span>
3. There is one theatre and five cinemas in this town</span><span>.
</span>There was one theatre and five cinemas in this town 5 years ago.
There will be one theatre and five cinemas in this town in a year.<span>
4.</span><span>There is no lift in our house. </span><span>
There was no lift in our house </span>last year. <span>
</span>There won't be a lift in our house. <span>
5. There is little milk in the bottle.
</span>There was little milk in the bottle an hour ago.
There will be little milk in the bottle in a minute. <span>
6. There are few shops in this district</span><span>.
</span>There were few shops in this district 3 years ago.
There will be few shops in this district in a year. <span>
7. There are three rooms in our flat.
</span>There were three rooms in our flat 10 years ago. .
There will be three rooms in our flat in 10 years .