Circle (k)-words-red, (s)-words-blue. cucumber,carrot,nice,cat,cook,chocolate,princess,can,climb,ice-cream,cake.
Евгений в78
Задание: обведите в кружок слова с прознршением "к" красным, слова с произношением "с" - синим.
Обводи красным: cucumber (огурец, читается какамбир, вроде), carrot (морковь, читается кэррот), cat (кот, - кэт), cook (готовить, кук), chocolate (шоколад, чоклейт), can (уметь ИЛИ консервировать ИЛИ банка, кэн), climb (взбираться, клаим), ice-cream(мороженое, айс-крим), cake (торт, кейк)
Обводи синим: nice (замечательно, найс), princess (принцесса, прИнцесс)
2. emails are sent
3. the grass is cut
4. chocolate is preferred
5. cars are stolen often
6. loud music is played
7. English is spoken here
8. the London parks are loved
9. staff is wanted
10. articles are written
1.Tom said,that his mum gave him some money every week.
2.He said,that clothes were very important in the life of man.
3.I told him,that It would be a shame to lose such attractive thing.
4.Jason said,that It had looked like high-quality leather wallet.
5.Sarah told me,that I would know how much I had spent before I reached the till.
Я уверен на все сто что будет так
1. I'm afraid
2. I don't think so
3. that's great idea
4. count me in
5. is not really my thing
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