Adolescence is one of the most important period in life, especially for the development of our personality. Our soul and body grow and this process happens due to our hard work. Either we enlarge the knowledge we achieved from the very beginning of our life and become smarter and more conscientious every year, either we become indifferent and do not care about anything and stay as silly as we were. I listed bellow some of the pros and cons about this affirmation:
This is the period when you can taste the life as it is.
It’s interesting and inexplicably funny not to follow the rules when you’re a teen.
We may get the biggest amount of life experience which is very important, we can get the second chance and not repeat the same mistake twice.
Tenagers work a lot ( clean the house, take care of their brothers, make additional courses, help their parents), they study most of all, because the bases of the future proffesion are put during this time.
Adolescents don’t have enough time to relax, to do their hobbies, to go out with friends, read books and other things they can’t live without.
They have many responsaibilities at school.
Teens are sometimes sentimental( when it comes to love for example) and very emotional.
I have put together the opinions of mine and other teenagers and made a conclusion: adolescence is as the best as it is important in every person’s life. There is no life without this unique in its way period and no other strong emotions and feelings than those we’ve lived in our teenage life. Be careful in what you do and think twice before doing something important. Don’t kill your time and you’ll realize that you have done more than you supposed it’s possible.
Lives, began, first, watches, published, teaches, has, helps
London was founded in 43 AD. [15], during the invasion of Britain by the Romans, led by Emperor Claudius. Early Londinium occupied a very small area, comparable to the size of Hyde Park. In the 19th century, archaeologists established that the length of the city from east to west was about 1 mile (about 1.6 km), and from north to south - about 0.5 miles (about 0.8 km). There is a theory that by the time of the invasion there was a large settlement on this territory, but during the archaeological excavations nothing that would confirm this version was found. However, on most of the historical center excavations have not been carried out, and the existence of the settlement before the invasion can not be completely denied.
Around the year 60 AD. e. The city was attacked by the British Queen Boudicca (Boadicea) and a significant part of London was devoted to fire. The Romans responded by seizing about 80,000 Britons [16]. Soon after, a battle took place between the Britons and the Romans [17]. According to the established opinion, the battle took place on the site of the modern station Kings Cross, and Boudicca, having suffered defeat, committed suicide by taking poison. The Romans rebuilt the city in a few years, according to a clear urban plan. Soon Londinium became one of the most important settlements of Roman Britain. In the II century it reached its heyday - by the year 100, Londinium became the capital of Britain, replacing Colchester, the population was about 60 000 people. In the city there were important administrative buildings, for example basilica, thermae, amphitheater and a large fort with a city garrison. However, due to political and economic instability since the III century, there has been a decline in development.
In about 200, Britain was divided into two parts - the Upper and Lower. Londinium became the capital of Upper Britain. At some time between 190 and 225 the Romans built a defensive London Wall around the city toward the shore. The length of the wall was about 3 kilometers, a height of 6 meters, and a thickness of 2.5 meters [18].
Лондон был основан в 43 году н. э., во время вторжения в Британию римлян во главе с императором Клавдием. Ранний Лондиниум занимал очень маленькую площадь, сравнимую с размером Гайд-парка. В XIX веке археологами было установлено, что длина города с востока на запад составляла примерно 1 милю (ок. 1,6 км), а с севера на юг — примерно 0,5 мили (ок. 0,8 км). Существует теория, что уже ко времени вторжения на этой территории существовало крупное поселение, но во время археологических раскопок ничего, что бы подтвердило эту версию, не было обнаружено. Впрочем, на бо́льшей части исторического центра раскопки не проводились, и существование поселения до вторжения полностью отрицать нельзя.
Примерно в 60 году н. э. город подвергся атаке бриттской королевы Боудикки (Боадицеи) и значительная часть Лондона была предана огню. Римляне ответили на это захватом примерно 80 000 бриттов. Вскоре после этого состоялось сражение между бриттами и римлянамищь. По устоявшемуся мнению, битва произошла на месте современного вокзала Кингс-Кросс, а Боудикка, потерпев поражение, покончила с собой, приняв яд. Римляне восстановили город за несколько лет, по чёткому городскому плану. Вскоре Лондиниум стал одним из важнейших населённых пунктов Римской Британии. Во II веке он достиг расцвета — к 100 году Лондиниум стал столицей Британии, сменив Колчестер, население составляло около 60 000 человек. В городе находились важнейшие административные здания, к примеру базилика, термы, амфитеатр и большой форт с городским гарнизоном. Однако из-за политической и экономической нестабильности с III века наблюдается спад в развитии.
Примерно в 200 году Британия была разделена на две части — Верхнюю и Нижнюю. Лондиниум стал столицей Верхней Британии. В некоторое время между 190 и 225 римляне построили оборонительную Лондонскую Стену вокруг города в сторону берега. Длина стены составляла около 3 километров, высота 6 метров, и толщина 2,5 метра.