A dog an egg. a pig!!!!!!!!
Where do you go? I go into sport centre. I usually go there at friday. Do you read? What do you read? Whome do you write this paper? To my sister. I write to her everyday. Where is victor? He is in his room. He is reads documents. Wht documents is he reads. I don't know. This autor writes a new book. Children are sleep. You aren't must ... . What is petya to do? He is paints. Is dad at home? Yes he works in the garden. He often works at weekends. Students work at laboratory three time at week but today they are listening english teksts. I listen very clever but i don't understand never.
Both English and Chinese are very influential languages in today's global society. Some may favor one over the other, however both stand strong and have their own pros and negatives. I believe that the Chinese language will not replace English, due to its complexity and the lack of educational curriculum in the Western world.
Я написал на тему что английский останется глобальным языком, но если ты хочешь сказать что китайский будет глобальным языком надо начинать по-другому. Можешь продолжить это сочинение и написать один параграф про сложность языка, второй про то что его никто не преподает и завершить сочинение последним заключением