1) I don't think it's fair that we have to come in to work even if we're sick.
2) Don't you remember that we are supposed to have dinner together with my dad?
3) It's your duty to be beautiful.
4) I'm not sure who invented mirrors, but I want to hug them.
5) How can we reach our goals?
6) I suppose you will understand it.
7) Do you have the courage to follow your heart?
8) Can you told me what is the problem?
9) Have you any evidence that the data is incorrect?
10) If person tells lies, I'm not going to call him a liar, but just point out that it was a poor storytelling choice.
2 The plants haven't been watered by him.
3 A fantastic party was arranged by George and Sarah.
4 The car hasn't been repaired by the mechanic.
5 The animals are fed twice a day.
6 The roof will be fixed by Sam.
7 The new menswear line was launched by Cherry Lane.
8 The red dress was designed by Claire.
9 The children will be entertained by the clown.
10 The puncture has been mended by him.
Yesterday we returned home late
Steve has just finished school
Did you go to the opera last night? Yes, we saw office
Play hockey people in many countries. In our country too, love this game. For me and my friends - a favorite sport. In hockey, we play on Sundays. Usually occurs in the morning on a small rink in the yard, clearing the snow from the ice, on opposite sides of the rink are building gates. Then we choose the judge - the most just of the children - Sergei Ivanov. It divides us into two teams. During this match, we divided into teams "yellow" and "red". Goalkeeper "yellow" Kohl became Sidorov and the "red" - Bob Vesnushkin. We put on a helmet and took the putter
A slight headache,sickness, average weight, clean skin, a rash appears on the skin to relieve itching, can scratch.