My favorite dish is borsch.Borsch is a national dish of Ukraine.My grandmother and my mother fed me this dish since childhood, I recently learned how to cook borsch and then invented my own recipe. The ancient Ukrainians believed that the soul of the deceased leaves the borscht soup. Most of all I love grandmother borsch.Sorri, Mom!
Моє улюблене блюдо - борщ. Борщ - це національне блюдо України. Моя бабуся і мама годували мене цим блюдом з дитинства, я нещодавно навчився готувати борщ, а потім винайшов свій власний рецепт. Стародавні українці вважали, що душа покійного залишає борщовий суп. Найголовніше я люблю бабусю борщу. Соррі, мамо!
<span>You will be watching TV at eight o'clock tomorrow?</span>
1. The dishes have been washed.
2. The letters are opened every morning in the office.
3. Your homework must be finished by Monday.
4. The woman was seen talking the children to school.
5. Mike has been told about the new job.
6. The cars were stolen from the car park.
7. The house has been decorated recently.
8. The centre will be visited by the King next month.
1 He studied at the University three years ago , and now he is asking to send him to college.
2 She has got a husband, he is very handsome.
3 What are you doing at the moment? We are moving to a new flat.
4 There are few tables, a lamp, a new telephone in my room, but five years ago there was only a sofa here.
5 Who usually does the cooking in your family? My mother cooks every day, but yesterday she didn't feel well and I decided to cook.
6 Next week he will translate a very long and interesting story. I think his teacher won't help him.