<span>1) When I think about the
future, I think about new electronic technologies and about progress in
different areas. Когда я думаю о будущем,
я думаю о развитии электроники и о новых достижениях в различных сферах.
2) I'm
looking forward to new discoveries in medicine and to space discoveries. Я с
нетерпением жду новых открытий в медицине и в освоении космоса.
3) I'm
afraid of new serious diseases and new war technologies</span>
<span>Я боюсь (появления) новых серьёзных заболеваний и (создания)
новых систем вооружения.
Не знаю сколько фраз нужно было использовать!!! Взяла по две в каждом предложении!</span>
1) I
have never seen such a big apple.
2) I
have never seen such __ old trees.
3) I
have never eaten such __ hot soup.
He missed the last bus again.
It happened __ last week.
They are in __ North America for the first time.
7) The
weather in the south of Russia is sunny and warm.
8) I
don't like such __ rainy weather.
What a comfortable kitchen!
What __ terrible weather we are having!
3. Write the plural<span>. – <em>напиши во множественном числе</em></span></span>
2 sings
4 pays
8 chooses
9 buys
10 sleeps
остальные написаны правильно
Winnie the Pooh is a very interesting character . he has a lot friends. they live in a magical forest. and they love to go to each other's homes .