Passive voice - to be (зависит от времени)+3 форму глагола (всегда не за висимо от времени) , a active voice это обычное предложение)
It is three oclock, it is a quarter<span> to seven, it is a quarter past nine, it is twenty five minutes after two, it is ten minutes to seven, it is five minutes past five, it is ten minutes past four, it is a half past eight. Если нужно, могу объяснить принцип перевода, если хочешь)</span>
I carried out this autumn vacation the abroad in the Czech Republic in the city of Prague. In this city very notable place is Karlov Bridge. It is constructed in 1380. All builders of the city of Prague.
The taiga forest is the largest ecosystem in North Eurasia, North America and Scandinavia. Plants of the taiga are represented mostly coniferous trees, mosses, lichens, and small shrubs. However, there are several types of taiga forests, which are dominated by certain plants. Taiga forests are divided into light-coniferous taiga, which is dominated by pine and larch, and dark coniferous taiga is dominated by spruce,Siberian cedar, fir. The soil of the taiga is soddy-podzolic, acid.
How many schools are there in Britain?
Who under five goes either to nursery schools, or to playgroups?
Is Primary school for children from five to eleven or from six to twelve?
Is Education in the United Kingdom compulsory from the age of five to sixteen?
Do At the age of eleven pupils go to comprehensive school, don't they?