1. being - participle 1 от глагола to be;
Заболев, он решил остаться дома.
2. leaving - Participle 1 от глагола to leave, часть глагола сказуемого is leaving во времени Present Continious:
Делегация покидает зал сейчас.
3. published - Part.2 от гл. to publish; в предложении - определение;
illustrated - Part.2 от гл. to illustrate; часть глагола-сказуемого are illustrated в Present Simple,
Passive Voice.
Книги, напечатанные для детей, хорошо проиллюстрированы.
1.I belong to the important discoveries of mankind there is a fire, the wheel, writing, paper, gunpowder and firearms, telephone, telegraph, radio, internet, car light bulb, antibiotics, and a sail ship.2.I think the ax, bow and arrows, and a paddle boat.3.I think 15th century.
Перевод: Но у нас есть собака и кошка.
This film was maked in1980.
My birthday party was organised by my best friend.
Our hose was damaged by the strong winds.
The streets were flooded by the heavy rain.
The school was rebuilt after the storm.
Надеюсь, все правильно. Удачи)