It was mathematics yesterday. Today was a Russian language. It will be "lesson" tomorrow.
Sally cant play the piano and use a computer. She can climb a tree and ride a horse.
Peter cant play the piano and climb a tree. He can ride a horse and use a computer.
Brian cant ride a horse. he can play the piano, climb a tree and use computer
Meg cant play the piano, climb a tree and ride a horse. She can use a computer
The lonian Sea bears the name of the princess and at the same time the priestess of Lo,who was seduced by the supreme god Zeus. However, his wife Hera decided to take revenge on the girl, turning her into a white cow, and then kill the giant Argos. With the help of the god Hermès, lo managed to escape.The refuge and human form she asquired in Egypt, for which she had to swim the sea, which is called the lonian.
Мне нравится телешоу "кто хочет стать миллионером?". это шоу идет по каналу 1. его начали транслировать в 1998 год. шоу "кто хочет стать миллионером?" ведет максим галкин. больше всего мне нравится денежный приз 3 000 000 рублей! для этого игроку надо правильно ответить на 15 вопросов. в 2006 году была добавлена игра Walkaway СМС. в этой игре телезритель может ответить на вопрос с помощью смс и выйграть 10 000 рублей.
I like the TV show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." this show is on channel 1. it began broadcasting in 1998. show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" leads Maxim Galkin. I like the most prize 3,000,000 rubles! for this player must correctly answer 15 questions. in 2006 has been added to the game Walkaway SMS. in this game, the viewer can answer the question with the help of sms and win 10,000 rubles.<span>