1. Look at the board
2. Come in
3. Don't be late
4. Don't drive fast
Вариант А!Учусь в шестом классе,зная английский супер!Это правильный ответ!(ТОЧНО!!)
Go outside on a sunny day and look at your shadow! Early in the morning and late in the afternoon, it is long. At lunchtime, it is very short.
This is because the Earth moves around the sun and the sun is in a difference place in the sky at difference times of the day. Sundials use shadows to tell the time. They are the oldest way to tell the time.
<em>Выйдите на улицу в солнечный день и посмотрите на свою тень! Рано утром и поздно днём она длинная. В обед очень короткая.</em>
<em>Это потому, что Земля двигается вокруг солнца, то есть солнце в разное время находится в разном месте. Солнечные часы — это тени, по которым узнают время. Это самый древний способ узнавания времени.</em>
Come in - входить(входите, проходите)
<span>(1) сказуемое
в страдательном залоге
(2) модальные глаголы (3) причастия
investigate violent and unnatural deaths or sudden deaths where the
cause is unknown. Deaths may (2) be reported <span><span>(1) </span>to the local coroner (who is
either medically or legally qualified, or both) by doctors, the police,
the registrar, various public authorities or members of the public. If
the death is sudden and the causeunknown, the coroner need (2) not hold an
inquest if, after a post-mortem examination has been made (1), he or she is
satisfied that the death was due to natural causes. Where there is
reason to believe that the deceased died a violent or unnatural death or
died in prison or in other specified circumstances, the coroner must (2)
hold an inquest and it is the duty of the coroner’s court to establish
how, when and where the deceased died. A coroner may sit alone, or in
certain circumstances, with a jury. In Scotland the local procurator
fiscal inquires privately into all sudden and suspicious deaths and may
report the findings to the Crown Office. In a minority of cases a fatal
accident inquiry may (2) be held (1) before the sheriff. For certain categories
(such as deaths in custody) a fatal accident inquiry is mandatory. In
addition, the Lord Advocate has discretion to instruct an inquiry in the
public interest in cases where the circumstances give rise to public