Dog, cat, mouse, frog, goat, cow, fox, wolf
1. She has had her eyes checked.
2. He will have the floor washed.
3. She is having her temperature taken.
4. She is having a dress made.
Поставьте во множественное число существительное.a) Toe, city, hero, piano, life, shelf, berry, valley, roof, pen, window, libra
Sveta Stanish [57]
A) Toes cities, heroes, pianos, lives, shelves, berries, valley<em>s</em>, roofs, pens, windows, libraries, watches, dresses, countries, glasses, days, parties, foxes, halves.
<span>b) feet, boot<em />s, oxen, foxes, men, women, months, mice, children, ships, geese, deer- deer, cheeses, sheep-sheep.</span>
1 scenic 2 famous 3 performance 4wonderfully 5 actor 6 organisation 7 crrowded 8 successful 9 rainy 10 disappointed