Adolescence is one of the most important period in life, especially for the development of our personality. Our soul and body grow and this process happens due to our hard work. Either we enlarge the knowledge we achieved from the very beginning of our life and become smarter and more conscientious every year, either we become indifferent and do not care about anything and stay as silly as we were. I listed bellow some of the pros and cons about this affirmation:
This is the period when you can taste the life as it is.
It’s interesting and inexplicably funny not to follow the rules when you’re a teen.
We may get the biggest amount of life experience which is very important, we can get the second chance and not repeat the same mistake twice.
Tenagers work a lot ( clean the house, take care of their brothers, make additional courses, help their parents), they study most of all, because the bases of the future proffesion are put during this time.
Adolescents don’t have enough time to relax, to do their hobbies, to go out with friends, read books and other things they can’t live without.
They have many responsaibilities at school.
Teens are sometimes sentimental( when it comes to love for example) and very emotional.
I have put together the opinions of mine and other teenagers and made a conclusion: adolescence is as the best as it is important in every person’s life. There is no life without this unique in its way period and no other strong emotions and feelings than those we’ve lived in our teenage life. Be careful in what you do and think twice before doing something important. Don’t kill your time and you’ll realize that you have done more than you supposed it’s possible.
Джон получил 10 кур 5 свиней и кота но не получил кроликов
I was
you were
he was
she was
it was
we were
you were
they were
підмет(was/were)присудок (1 форма) + ing
заперечне речення : підмет (was/were) + not присудок (1ф) + ing
(was/were) підмет присудок(1ф) + ing
я читала книгу у той момент
i was reading the book at that moment
I was not reading the book at that moment
Were you reading the book at that moment
допоміжні слова
at ... o'clock
at that time
from ... till..o'clock
Универмаг "Харродс", вероятно, самый известный универмаг в Великобритании. Ему более 150 лет и у него 330 магазинов на семи этажах. В особые дни около 300 000 клиентов приходят и тратят свое время и деньги в "Харродс".
Более 5000 человек из более чем пятидесяти разных стран работают в магазине. Однако сотрудники не только продавцы. "Харродс" имеет своего собственного парикмахера, врача, банк, пожарную и многое другое. Огромная группа людей убирает и следит за магазином. Это включает в себя проверку и изменение 11500 лампочек снаружи здания. Харродс славится предоставлениме "всего для всех и всюду". Все, что вы хотите, вы можете купить в Харродс - от дорогих ювелирных изделий и мебели, до бумаги и ручки. Кто-то даже купил слоненка Герти в качестве подарка для Рональда Рейгана. Тем не менее, многие люди приходят в Харродс просто посмотреть, а не купить, и это может стать проблемой. Иногда швейцар не позволяет людям войти, потому что они носят неправильный вид одежды!
These books are read by many people.
Newspapers were brought us by the postman yesterday.
The house is protected by a roof.
I was invited by Ann to come to her place.