1. will you eat pizza? yes, i will
2. will you drink wine? no, i won't
3. will the food be good? yes, it'll
4. will it rain? no, it won't
5. will the people be friendly? yes, they'll
6. will your parents be relaxed? yes, they'll
7. will people understand your italian? yes, they'll
Надеюсь, я всё правильно поняла и нужно было будующее время
1 I've got 2 hobbies in my life: the first one is travelling, the second one is learning English.
2 I haven't got any plants in my flat.
3 I've never driven a motorbike in my life.
4 I didn't used to a diary before, but now I do.
5 Some activities in my life don't let get bored and make me feel good.
6 Sometimes I feel excitement when I talk to new people.
7 There are various ways to travel for me: by plane, by ferry, by train. They are my favorite.
8 I often think, my next occupation will be a teacher of English.
9 I always try to keep calm in any situation.
10 My friend has shown me a nice card trick recently.
Как обычная Ваши блюда?Вы когда-нибудь едят фаст-фуд? Как ofеen вы ходите в рестораны быстрого питания?Что такое еда, как в школьной столовой? Вам нравится школьные обеды?Каковы ваши привычки в еде?Почему некоторые люди становятся вегетарианцами?<span>Есть ли у вас здоровый образ жизни?</span>
We live in THE old house. We've got A cat and A dog. ? Cat is called Tibbs and ? Dog is called Lara. We've got A big garden. Tibbs is in the garden now. Lara is in the house.
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