It was Saturday. I was free from school. I wanted to go to the river but I had to paint the fence around Aunt Polly’s house.
I started to paint but soon I was tired. Then I had an idea. When my friend Ben Rogers came, I was working with pleasure. There was a big smile on my face. Ben saw that I liked my job. He wanted to paint the fence, too. I let him do it and he gave me an apple.
Then my friend Billy Fisher came and I let him paint the fence, too. By the afternoon, the fence was painted twice and I had many wonderful things.
1) younger.
2) warmer
3) slower
4) the oldest
6) new
7)the strongest
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live in an old house. There are many beautiful flowers in front of my house. There is a garden behind it. There is a
doghouse right there near the house. And a lot of trees the
back of the garden.