2) Does your Dad work at home? (Твой отец работает на дому?)
ответ: No, he doesn't. He works in office (тут вообще-то Ваш ответ должен быть)
6) Does your best friend sit next to you in class? (Твой лучший друг/подруга сидит рядом с тобой в классе)
ответ: No, he/she doesn't sit next to me(Нет, она он/она не сидит рядом со мной) или Yes, he/she sits next to me(Да, она он/она сидит рядом со мной) .
Надеюсь, будет понятно. Удачи
Birthday party is my favorite day. I like to spend this time with my family or friends. They always congratulate me on my birthday. Usually I get many wishes, presents and good emotions. Nothing could be better than to feel warmth and love from people you love and respect to.
1. On my shelf are a stack of books
2. Today my cat broke of my mom's favorite vase
3. At Moe's birthday parents gave Phone