Who are Vickie and Jullia?
What did the girls do on a picnic?
Where did Little Roxy run?
How did they like the picnic?
When did they go on a picnic?
Вставь артикли a или an в словах: tiger, house, ear, family, car, jar, arm, fox, egg, bee, ox?
a tiger, a house, an ear, a family, a car, a jar, an arm, a fox, an egg, a bee, an ox
1. Should you work yesterday?
2. Do you make a report?
3. Could she write a note?
4. Is it a beautiful day?
Я, конечно, не спец, но как умею. ошибок многовато.
The room is situated on the second floor of our big house. there are two beds with dark blue bedspread on. next to each bed we can see special rugs. there are two nightstands with lamps to make the room comfortable. the walls are covered with purle wallpapers.
"2" (Простите, забыла подчеркнуть)
1. <span>The <u>bus</u> stop is not far from here. - </span>Автобусная остановка находится недалеко отсюда.
2. <span>Several <u>Moscow</u> University physicists work at this problem. - Физики нескольких московских университетов работают над этой проблемой.
</span>3. <span>There are only <u>daylight</u> lamps in this room. - В этой комнате есть только лампы дневного света.</span>
1. One of <u>the most famous</u> buildings in England is St. Paul’s Cathedral. - Одно из самых известных строений в Англии - Собор Святого Павла.
2. This room is <u>smaller than</u> that one. - Эта комната меньше чем та.
<span>3. <u>The longer</u> is the night, <u>the shorter</u> is the day. - Чем длиннее ночь, тем короче день.