It is white and small what is it??? lemon
2. Is there a lot of fruit in the fridge?
Сок - джус
масло - батэ (батэр, "р" как бы и произносишь, и нет)
пирожное - кейк
сыр - чиз
1 higher
2 heard
3 saying
4 to understand
5 buying
6 gambling
7 using
8 gambling
-Hello. I ad
Hi-start the interview. begin to start with a couple of questions
By what criteria, attributes, you determine that successful?
On-income, by popularity
-Where do you see yourself in five, ten or fifteen years?
- To work in a prestigious company and earn good money
-Give specific examples of your professional success.
-Literate, ldiplomy, positive characteristics
-What are three characteristics you characterize yourself?
- Hard-working, hard, demanding