Finishing school means the independent life for millions of
school-leavers. Many roads are open before them: technical
schools, colleges and universities. I want to have an interesting job and would like it to be connected with different countries and people. That is why
I decided to become an interpreter. I am good at foreign lan-
guages. My favourite language is English. I like watching films
and reading books in the original.
I think the questions young people should ask themselves
are: What am I interested in? and What do I want to be? When
they find the answers, they will have the goal to achieve. . Another problem is entering a university. Russian National
Exam which school-leavers have to pass at the end of the 11th
form is rather difficult, so you have to study really hard to
get a necessary number of exam points to enter a university.
Moreover, different universities have different number of
"acceptance points". I have some friends who did not get