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My favorite game (except for video games)
Hi there! Today I'm gonna talk about my favorite game. In first of all, my favorite game don't have any real name, and I know, it's kind of funny but it's true and I'm not sure if this game have country where it was made but I'm pretty sure it's Russia. I don't know how other people can call this game but usually I'm calling it like "Finding New Routes to Pirate House" and because this game don't have permanent name, for easier understanding I'll just write a rules for my game.
Finding New Routes to Pirate House (minimum 2 players):
1. First thing that you will need to do - is find a very big word;
2. Now you need to talk with your friend/ends about time that you can spend playing (usually with my friends we're using 8 minutes, but you can use smaller or bigger amount of time if you want to).
3. Here's the hardest one, without any talking/sounds write mini-words that you can find in a big one on a separate piece of paper, don't forget to write your name on it.
4. When you are done, wait for other players. When everybody done with their papers or time is over, 1 person will collect all the papers.
5. Person who got more words than others did, is a winner.
In conclusion, I'll say that I really like this game and so you are welcome to play with me in this game after school or before it.
1. Would you like to visit the Eiffel Tower or the Acropolis? 2. Is Vienna in the United Kingdom or in Austria? 3. Jacksons live on the Hill Street 4. British keep their traditions very carefully. 5. Egypt is famous for Pyramids.
2 lived (Past Simple, потому что есть указание на время совершения действия в прошлом)
3 joined (Past Simple, потому что есть указание на время совершения действия в прошлом)
4 looked (Past Simple, называем действия, последовательно произошедшие в прошлом)
5 have done (Present Perfect, нет точно указанного времени в прошлом, но есть результат )
6 haven't seen (Present Perfect, речь о том, что к настоящему времени действие не произошло)
7 have left (Present Perfect, нет точно указанного времени в прошлом, но есть результат )
8 have got (Present Perfect, нет точно указанного времени в прошлом, но есть результат )
<span>Разницы нет, просто ought to это более формально, а should более разговорный, а по смыслу между ними можно поставить знак равенства</span>