1 Everybody wants to live a long healthy life
2 There are many ways to keep fit: eat healthy food, stop smoking and drinking much, don't take drugs, go in for sports
3 Healthy food is an important factor
4 We should eat more fruit and vegetables, meat and milk products
5 There is a problem of taking drugs among young people
6 Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy body and brain
7 The best way to be healthy is to go in for sports
8 Football, basketball, skating, skiing, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics and figure skating are very popular kinds of sport in our country
9 I usually do morning exercises, go to the swimming pool to be healthy
2) between village and town
3)it used for fights
4) because it from past,so people want to see them
5)maybe dusk with apples
6) Edinburgh, Scotland
1. to the radio
2. at the end of June
3. the weather...the sky...the sun
3. in the country
4. on the same street
1. I had being
2. I had being
3. he had being
4. our town had being
Расскажи о герое-пилоте, который посадили самолет A321 на кукурузном поле. Его имя - Дамир Юсупов.
Ural Airlines A321 airliner operated a flight Moscow - Simferopol, with 233 people on board.(Авиалайнер А321 компании «Уральские авиалинии» выполнял рейс Москва — Симферополь, имея на борту 233 человек)
During the first minute after take-off, birds got into its engines, and the even noise of the motors gave way to intermittent work.(В течение первой минуты после взлета в его двигатели попали птицы, и ровный шум моторов сменился работой с перебоями.)