1.Us company claimed that the millionth word in the English language is about to be created.
2.They make their money telling organizations how often their name is mentioned in new media, such as the Internet.
3. They tell that dictionaries have tighter criteria about what constitutes a new word, for example, it has to be used over a certain period of time.
4. Because lexicographers claim so, but they also say that if you accept every technical term or obscure specialist word then we’re already beyond a million.
5. 20-40,000 words
Типо как переписку или просто сочинение?
They are cows.
they are apples.
they are girls.
they are childs.
they are dolls.
1 wasn’t raining 2 were you doing 3 put on -left 4 were making 5 didn’t believe 6 was having
"Масленица" - неделя до Великого Поста.
Это прощание русских с зимой и приветствие весны. Это время песен, танцев и веселья. Много еды, особенно блинов, вкусных масленых изделий.
Дети наряжаются и играют в снегу.
Мы ходим кататься на санях, играем в снежки и многое другое. Мы делаем соломенную куклу "Дама Масленица", одетую в особенную одежду. В воскресный вечер мы сжигаем Даму Масленицу на большом костре. Весенний фестиваль закончен, и начинается Великий Пост.