Is there's nothing bad?
Is there's nothing wrong?
Is there's nothing interesting?
Is there's nothing good?
Is there's nothing sad?
I - <span>используется к человеку, который </span>сам совершает<span> действие.
Me - </span><span>относится к человеку, </span>над которым <span>действие </span>совершается<span>.
Грубо говоря, I </span><span>ставят в начале предложения, me - во всех остальных местах
Например: </span>I do...; I have...;<span>That's not me
</span><span>"Dad and me are fishing now"</span>
1. Mike never lets his little brother drive his expensive sports car.
2. She makes delicious chocolate cookies.
3. I want you to meet that tall blonde Swedish girl.
4. The room was filled with big red balloons.
5. The boy needs five small cotton balls for that activity.
6. What are you doing with these empty glass bottles?
7. She likes hot Irish coffee.
8. He knows three difficult foreign languages.
9. He writes nice long letters.