1-A . 2-C. 3-F. 4-E. 5- G. 6-D. 7-B
Перевод - ЗОНТ. Можно было всклочиться переводчик
Кот по английски будет cat. Не будь дураком, загугли
хаски лучший друг инуита
хаски всегда помогают инуитам:
перевозят по снегу, ночью охраняют дом, играют с детьми, помогают пасти стада оленей.
1. - Who is this girl?
- She is my sister.
- What is she doing?
- She is an economist.
2. - How does she know German?
- She knows that language very good
3. - When is your son doing his homework?
- In the afternoon
4. - How to learns your son?
- He learns very well
5. You don't know these words, repeat these words and grammatical rules at home.
Please take your textbook Anna and come here. Open your tutorial on page 10 and read the text of the 2 lessons. Please read the first five sentences. We are engaged in a large bright room. Students always come to school on time. During our lessons we read, write dictations and translate sentences from Russian into English. We study English every day. Usually we do lessons in the evening, but often repeat new words in the morning before the lesson. Now we are engaged in English, we read the text, and then we will write dictation. Thank you, you already read this text well. Sit down your note "okay." Do this exercise at home, please learn new grammar rules and repeat the words of the second lesson.