1. If you invent something important, this invention may become famous.
2. Something that arrives, such as a plane flight, is an arrival.
3. You can say you improve something, or that you make an improvement to it.
4. Something you publish, such as a book or a magazine, is a publication.
5. If you explain something clearly, then you are giving a clear explanation.
<span>6. Someone who trains people to do something is a trainer.</span>
Причина обморока может быть разной: сильные эмоции, жажда еды, усталось или боль.
В обмороке человек теряет сознание. Кровь не поступает в мозг. Лицо человека перед обмороком бледнеет, появляется пот на лбу. У него кружиться голова и он слабеет. Его дыхание неглубокое. Его пульс слаб и медлен.
Если ты захочешь помочь человеку который потерял сознания:
1. Положи человека на пол спиной.
2. Немного приподними ноги.
3. Сними его одежду.
4. Согрей его и открой окно.
5. Посыпь холодной водой на его лицо.
6. Дай человеку подышать нашатырным спиртом.
Sport is an important part in our life.Sport helps as to be strong and healthy.There are a lot of games in sport.The most popular games are tennis,football,volleyball,basketball and swimming.My favourite sport is swimming.I like it because it is very interesting and helpful.I and my friend go to the swimming pool two times a week.We like it.We watch swimming competitions on TV.I love sport.
- Good morning (afternoon)! Can I help you?
- Good morning! Show me that pencil please.
- Here you are.
- I like it. How much is it?
- It costs 5 pounds.
- Ok, I take it. And show me that blue pen.
- Here you are. It costs 8 pounds.
- I like it too. I buy it. And show me a bag please.
- Pink or yellow?
- Do you have red bag?
- No, sorry.
- Show me both.
- Here you are. Pink bag costs 50 pounds and yellow bag - 35 pounds.
- I take pink bag. I like it. How much do they cost together?
- 63 pounds.
- Here you are. Thank you! Bye!
- Good- bye!
In this tale, I liked its meaning. It teaches children to look not only their appearance but also the inner world. Just like her positivity and creativity)